Original Artworks

Deerhawk Art Studio began with paintings of animals paired with mandalas. Living in the countryside outside of Charlottesville, Virginia, I encountered new animal friends every single day, and one by one, they found their way into my art. In addition to the Animal Totem series, my art has expanded into landscapes, abstract paintings, and watercolors of birds.

Visit the Deerhawk Art home page to see original art available for sale.

On Lickinghole Creek: An illustrated tour of the birds and wildlife found in Crozet, Virginia.

Almost two years ago, I set up my booth at the Crozet Farmers’ Market next to a carpenter named Albert Connette. Conversation made its way to birds (as it inevitably does in my life nowadays) and he told me he’d written a children’s story about Lickinghole Creek and he’d love to see it illustrated.

Fast forward to October of 2022 and it’s finally here! Follow the button below to the Deerhawk Art Shop to learn more or buy a copy.

Your Guide to the World’s Most Doofy Birds


First it was a poster, and now it’s a book! The Doofy Birds book highlights 26 different bizarre birds from around the world and offers some fun facts about each one. Click this link to to learn more, and to get a copy your own.

The Deerhawk Oracle Deck

After decades of using and loving oracle cards and tarot decks, I decided to make my own. After painting 30 different animals and natural elements, I wrote some messages of guidance to accompany them and printed them to share. There are now hundreds of these decks out in the world, where people using them to set intentions for their meditation practice, or to explore new perspectives on their lives. If this sounds like something you would enjoy, you can play with the spinner on this page.

The portfolio below features some of my original designs. If you click on each thumbail, you can browse a selection of note cards, mugs, and other gifts available for purchase in my Zazzle store.


Deerhawk Healing


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